How We Increased E-commerce Sales by 42.67% by Spending ₹0 – for Trelish Coffee

Trelish Coffee

Ecommerce Strategy, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing


Most performance marketers & brand owners forget an important point – It’s not just about getting traffic to the website. It’s about making them stay there.

Similar to the case for Bombay Island’s D2C campaign, Trelish was running aggressive performance campaigns (not managed by us at the time). However, since we managed the website, we could see that most of the traffic simply trickled away into nothingness.

While we’re all in support of remarketing, but why then, we can’t help but ask –

“Why spend more money to lure them in (again), when you can do it with ₹0?”

What Did We Do Differently?

Grow LTV in the existing customer base

To reduce the lead loss, we deployed a mix of sticky announcement bars and exit intent pop-ups on their Shopify website. The deal was simple – share your phone number and email address & get 10% off on your first order.

Did it work? Let’s find out.

The Results We Drove


That’s how much the customer base grew by because people subscribed to avail the offer.


Conversion rate * achieved through email marketing.


Worth of additional revenue generated. All through the strategic implementation of a pop-up. 🙂


Is what we spent for this campaign, as opposed to retargetting website visitors with ads on IG/FB/Google Ads.

* Avg. conversion rate for e-commerce websites is 2.4%.

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